Supporting people in Tipton to learn, overcome issues related to social and emotional well-being, become financial independent whilst gaining equity and access to education.

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#PrincesEnd #Tipton #Sandwell.
Day 5 of #BiteBackWeek with @SLSEngland
If you've seen us around or received any of our flyers. Please drop in 2 see us today @ St John's Church Hall if u want a chat!
We also have our budgeting & cooking session on today so come join the fun 😋

#Tipton #PrincesEnd #Sandwell
Don’t forget 2 join us tomorrow 4 our #CommunityEvent 25/06/24 @ 11am
Come & meet #SidtheShark & find out how stay safe from #loansharks & find out about safer ways 2 borrow money.
@moneyline_uk @SLSEngland


Funding to Address Violence Against Women & Girls

Grants of up to £25,000 are available to support organisations run by and for women who advocate for and take action against violence against women and girls.

Deadline: 30th July 2024.


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If you would like to give us a call to discuss your interest in our service. 
Please give us a call on: 07752 659257​ or follow us via our social media

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your name followed by 'coffee' to 07752659257
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