What is Life Works 

Life Works is an employment programme that will support local residents who are unemployed or have recently become unemployed due to the pandemic.  

We offer job search and CV support, interview techniques and job coaching and the programme aims to help individuals to identify and draw out transferable entrepreneurial skills as well as provide volunteering opportunities as a means of enhancing employability. 

As part of our programme, we also offer financial capability support to assist individuals who have recently lost financial income. Our service seeks to provide clients with the knowledge and support of accessing the right benefits, as well as manage their finances especially on lower incomes. 

We also signpost individuals to various organisations and online platforms/forums to get the additional support needed, including debt support. We recognise that Tipton has an issue surrounding unemployment and we want to play our part in helping increase employment rates locally. In 2009 Tipton had the second highest claimant unemployment rate in Sandwell and as of September 2020 there were almost 6000 residents claiming Universal Credit. The statistics prompted us to take action and seek to support and empower residents to move into employment; working alongside Job Centre Plus and local employers/businesses to create opportunities for local people.

If you are interested in getting involved with LIfe Works than please complete the registration form here